Thursday, April 23, 2015

Toddlers and Tiaras Takes a Toll on America

Toddlers and Tiaras Takes a Toll on America

In January 2009, what Americans viewed on television had changed forever. Millions of people were now able to watch little girls and boys compete for a beauty pageant crown from their own living room, and many viewers were actually excited about it.

America's beauty obsessed culture was, predictably, going to be very fascinated with a five or six year old dressing up like a twenty year old. It's just all about what America thinks is visually appealing. The big trends in America come and go, but most of the new trends get started because they are the next thing created to reach this " beauty status" that all Americans want. For example, at one point in time, plastic surgery was a big trend and is still trending but with less growth each year. What was the point of this trend? Did most people under go plastic surgery because they needed it, or wanted to look better? I would think that most of you already know the answer to these questions.

The young girls in this show, Toddlers and Tiaras, are not like the average toddler you see playing in her own backyard (no matter how much the mothers of these girls will deny this claim). I say this confidently, because like all girls growing up in America, these pageant children are surrounded by the obsession of beauty and want to become beautiful women; but they are not only just surrounded by this obsession, they are engulfed within it. There are only so many things you can convince these girls of that their trophies are for.

The pictures below feature the participants from Toddlers and Tiaras and quotes directly from the show.

Some may think these quotes are funny in the moment, but when one actually reads into what these girls are saying, they are making really sad and frightening statements. These girls have seen that beauty wins them prizes, their stage identity makes them more beautiful, and that when they do not have that make up on they are not the same person. 

This show, like many others on reality TV, drives the idea that a person must look a certain way to get what they want. America is obsessed over beauty and perfection. These girls, being exposed to that at a younger age than what seems to be typical are being groomed to support those beauty standards to be held in the future.

Although many loved this show, others could see how this American pageant culture could be detrimental to the young participants’ health. Many spoke out against his show saying it sexualizes the toddlers and is going to hurt their self-esteem in the long run. I support these comments completely. Shows like Toddlers and Tiaras make it okay for young girls to want to look like twenty year olds. It makes it okay for a five year old to lose a competition because her competitor had on a more expensive dress, made a better stage appearance, or looked more beautiful.

The people that spoke out against the show had the right idea, but there were still thousands that tuned in every week to catch a glimpse of their favorite toddler being dressed up for the stage. Those people are the ones that are making the impossible beauty standard in America accepted, and the people that are supporting the obsession that we all have with how we look. Next time you look in the mirror think about what you see, someone supporting the beauty standard set by shows, magazines, or advertisements, or will you see the natural beauty that we all possess. 

Cited Pictures:

 Link to quoted pictures

 Girl surrounded by crowns picture


  1. I watch this show all the time! But honestly I do feel as though shows such as toddlers and tiaras have a huge impact on American culture. When did kids start to feel so entitled that they truly believe they are better than someone else? The problem starts with the parents who allow their kids to not learn that beauty can come from within. Society has this goal in mind that to be something in this world we have to have the beautiful face or best body. I think this show is detrimental to young participants because it teaches them nothing about self love and compassion, just that beauty wins and ugly loses.

  2. I think that this show is like doing lab experiments on test animals. I believe that the children that are the "stars" of the show are going to have severe developmental problems growing up. They may grow up having a superiority complex judging from some of the quotes from the show. I think it might be interesting if some psychiatrists followed these children after the show and seen any strange patterns. I also would like to look deeper at children stars in general and how it might effect there development. Looking into Disney stars might give some insight on how this star light effects their development.

  3. I think you did an excellent job on this blog post! Highlighting certain phrases really got your main points across.

    The pictures with quotes were extremely effective as well. It may be funny to us in the moment but their is something highly wrong with this. I don't follow the show but I have definitely heard some strong critiques regarding how these parents are raising their daughters.

  4. I have never watched this show before, but I am really surprised that this is even allowed. I am even more surprised of how the parents are raising the children. If they keep raising their child this way they will grow up to be shallow judgmental people. I'm surprised some people actually watch this. Thank you for binging this up, it really opened up my eyes on the shows that people hold today. I'm also kind of sad to see the kids being treated this way, they must have some serious mental pressures from their parents.

  5. I think that this is a really good post! This is a very common and serious issue with young girls thinking that all that matters in life is being pretty on the outside. This clearly comes from the type of parents that are raising these children and is a very unsettling topic because so many girls are being brainwashed by their own parents into thinking that there is no such thing as inner beauty or even realizing what it is or how to look for it. So many girls are doing padgents and things that focus on them destroying their appearance and their health at such a young age with tanning spray, makeup, diets, and hair products.

  6. Great post! This issue dealing with young girls being displayed as objects of beauty is very sad. I agree with Lauren, doing these beauty pageants at such a young age forms a sense of what they think beauty actually is. These young girls are learning that beauty is from the outside and how you are judged can define who you are/become as a person. I thought that your use of media was excellent and it really elevated the topic and your post. Great job overall on your post and I like your stance on this growing topic.

  7. I've never watched this show before so it was really helpful and effective to have the images with the quotes to get an idea as to how negatively influencing this show really is. I think it is so sad that little girls look like they're all grown up. What happened to the awkward stages of growing up? The weird ugly clothes that our parents put us in? Even preteens are more sexualized and put together than even our generation and older. This is so messed up and it's not only going to ruin so many children's self esteem but take away their childhood completely. This was well written and I really liked your topic. You used great visuals and effective language.

  8. I completely agree! That show is messed up. I've tried watching it before, and hearing the comments that those little children make is just sickening. It makes me ashamed that we as Americans pay for the continuation of the production of horrible shows like these, or the Bachelor/Bachelorette. I agree, it's true that there is a part of the consumer that enjoys this unhealthy "reality" and sees it as entertainment.

    The only suggestion I would make is that you maybe state your claim more firmly!

  9. I completely agree! That show is messed up. I've tried watching it before, and hearing the comments that those little children make is just sickening. It makes me ashamed that we as Americans pay for the continuation of the production of horrible shows like these, or the Bachelor/Bachelorette. I agree, it's true that there is a part of the consumer that enjoys this unhealthy "reality" and sees it as entertainment.

    The only suggestion I would make is that you maybe state your claim more firmly!
