Thursday, May 14, 2015

Words Typed Through The Screen Is A Deadly Scene

Words Typed Through The Screen Is A Deadly Scene

Cyberbullying can occur at any time on any day. This topic is something that needs to have
more attention focused on it. The true definition of cyberbullying according to  is the is the type of bullying that takes place using technology and other communication tools. This type of bullying can be done on different social media websites such as computers, cell phones, and tablets. 

There are many cyberbullying campaigns bringing awareness to this ever growing problem in today's society. One campaign bringing awareness to this problem is the website This website is letting the public know that cyber bullying is never the answer and it is never a way to handle any type of situation. Throughout this website, they go over the “Take 5” method. This method is helping to teach children about the consequences of cyberbullying, and the action to take to prevent this from cyberbullying occurring. This specific campaign is letting the public know how to deal with cyberbullying. Additionally, this campaign is making sure that parents know what they  can do as well to make sure their children aren’t getting cyber bullied and that their children aren’t the bullies themselves.

Another anti-cyberbullying campaign that is helping to bring awareness to this issue is the website/blog site The Cybersmile Foundation. This is an organization that provides ways for the public to get involved with anti-cyberbullying messages, how to tell your story, and what they do as a foundation. Their main goal is to help make the internet an all around safer environment for everyone. They also display what cyberbullying can do to young teens, and the sad circumstances that come along with getting cyber bullied. Additionally, their website also provides opportunities for many people to get involved by donating to their foundation. This not only helps their foundation, but it can save many people’s lives by getting more information out about this unfortunately growing issue. In relation to my previous blog post, I shared that I was bullied in middle school. If I would have known about these blog websites I think it would have helped me to deal with my issues. Knowing that someone is going through the same thing as you are can make a huge difference in the grieving process.

Lastly one of the best ways to get your point across with any serious issue I believe, is through a video or a picture. This video made by Strutt Central focuses on how horrible cyberbullying is. The video goes through how a teenage girl is constantly posting about this other girl in her grade on Facebook. Additionally, this video shows what can happen when someone is cyber bullied and how everyone who is on these social media platforms can help. Cyberbullying is way too powerful of an issue to just be swept under the rug. With the help of these ad campaigns bringing awareness to this issue makes the public and especially teens more aware of how deadly this issue can be. 

Cyber bullying is never a way to deal with the problems we may have with someone. Bringing more awareness to this issue will never have negative effects. People’s personal stories are constantly being published on these anti-cyberbullying campaign websites and blogs. These ad campaigns are taking a strong lead and paving the way to end cyberbullying once and for all. I believe that with the help of these ad campaigns that through the next decade cyber bullying will be less of an issue. 

I hope that the people who are reading this blog post will now take a step back and realize that cyberbullying is never the answer. You never know just by reporting a mean tweet or facebook post could save someone's life.

Works Sited:
Cyberbullying Kills
Just Ask
Think before you click
Cyberbullying Virus

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