The only way to stop a
bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun
“To conquer a nation, first disarm
it’s citizens.” This popular quote, said by Adolf Hitler, is a prime example of
why the Senate Bill 45, is a beneficial law. Now the Senate Bill 45 or, “SB 45”
amends the laws concerning the concealed carry of firearms. The bill basically
gives anyone ages 21 and up, the jurisdiction to possess a firearm without the
possession of a concealed carry license, as long as the individual is not
prohibited by either the federal or state law to possess a firearm. With this law in place, it will enable our
communities to feel more safe and secure, knowing that there will usually be an
armed civilian nearby if trouble were to occur.

critics of this bill say that it will put firearms into the hands of dangerous
people. NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, when addressing the
public after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, says, “The only way to
stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” By passing this bill,
it’s not going to arm dangerous people, dangerous people are going to acquire
guns regardless. It’s going to arm people who would be able to stand in the way
of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, Adam Lanza, or Virginia Tech shooter,
Seung Cho. All it would have taken is one armed individual to save the lives of
hundreds, and with this bill, the chances of that happening will increase dramatically.
skeptics of this bill claim that this bill will only add to the annual death
count of our nation, and at first, I agreed. However, the GOA out of
Springfield, Virginia referenced a study done by Clinton researchers who I
might add, have been outspoken about being anti-gun. Anyway, in this study,
they gathered that guns are used on average about 1.5 million times annually. Now the overwhelming majority of these
accounts, simply just fired warning shots. In fact, less than 8% of the time,
is an attacker killed or even wounded.
On top of that, Stanford University conducted a research last November
and found that states with mainly no gun restrictions, found a 22% decrease in
the overall crime rate. So if this is not adding to the annual death count, and
is working to reduce the amount of violent crimes per year, it is difficult for
an opposition to make an argument against this.
numbers to back it up, we can see that this bill is a step in the right
direction towards crime deterrence and aiding our rights. It will continue to
put fear in the minds of criminals, which will in turn, deteriorate crime
level. All it would have taken, was one armed individual to stop the Virginia
Tech, or Sandy Hook shooter… One. America needs this bill. America needs this
bill so that its citizens can once and for all, stand up to violent criminals
without being at a disadvantage.
Jonsson, Patrik. "Concealed carry without a permit: Will crime go up or down?" N/A, n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
Lowry, Bryan. "Bill to allow conceal carry without permits headed to Kansas
House floor for vote." N/A, n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
House floor for vote." N/A, n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
Maclin, Jim. "Kansas SB45 2015." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
Schmidt, Derek. "N/A." N/A, n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
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